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Urban Country Organics

Urban Country Organics - Sage Essential Oil 15ml

Urban Country Organics - Sage Essential Oil 15ml

Regular price $18.00 CAD
Regular price $21.00 CAD Sale price $18.00 CAD
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Enjoy the therapeutic scents and topical benefits of Urban Country Organics Essential Oils.


Directions: Add a few drops of Sage oil or a blend to your diffuser. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil to use topically


All-natural, Pure - Sage Essential Oil (Salvia Officinalis)


Scientific Name: Salvia lavendulaefolia

Country of Origin:  Spain

Synonyms: Lavender-leaved sage.

Plant Family:  Lamiaceae(Labiatae)

Plant Parts Used:  Evergreen shrub, with purple flowers.

Extraction Method:  Steam distillation from the leaves.

Physical Characteristics: A pale yellow mobile liquid.

Dominant Note(s):  Middle note

Aroma: A herbaceous camphoraceous slightly pine like aroma.

Principle Constituents: Camphor(up to 34%), cineol(up to 35%), limonene(up to 41%) camphene(up to 20%), pinene(up to 20%) and other minor constituents.

Blends With:  Rosemary, Lavandin, Lavender, Pine, Citronella, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Clary Sage, and Cedarwood.

Safety Precautions:  Relatively non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.  Avoid during pregnancy;  use in moderation.

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