This is rosehip. It is the fruit left behind from a rose once the pedals have fallen off and contains the seeds of the rose plant and nutrient dense oil that can be extracted. Rosehip oil is fabulous for your skin. I use rosehip oil in many of my products including my facial serum and body butter. Rosehip oil contains vitamin C (approximately 50% more than oranges!) and A (a natural form of retinol) as well as essential fatty acids that help to boost collagen, moisturize, reduce inflammation, protect the skin from free radicals and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Rosehip oil is found in many very expensive high-end products (usually products that cost hundreds of dollars) and often seems unattainable for most consumers looking for good quality, natural skin care. I strive to keep my prices affordable for those who have the same desire for beautiful, natural skin without compromising quality and without spending a fortune.